Countdown Begins!! ⏰
16 weeks to go 😬
We are officially on the countdown. How do I feel? Overwhelmed. Nervous. Excited......all in the space of two minutes!
This is probably the point where I should remember that I am a control freak/over thinker and tell myself to "calm the farm" but nope.....I feel some frenzy whipping coming on fast 😂
So this is just a quick update....for you guys of course but also to remind myself we have actually achieved shiteloads so far after all!!
1. Mazda BT50 purchased ✔️
2. 2009 Jayco Expanda purchased ✔️
3. House decluttered and everything caravan worthy transferred to it. ✔️
4. School notified of travel plans ✔️
5. Map purchased, basic travel route planned ✔️
6. Checklists made and printed ✔️
7. Work notified of travel plans and leave approved ✔️
8. House and puppy sitter confirmed ✔️
9. Portable BBQ purchases ✔️
10. X 2 test trips done @caravan park - need to do some free camps ASAP!!✔️
See not bad at all!! 😬😬
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