Week 19 | Homeward Bound


Reflection: to give serious thought or consideration.
Synonyms: thought, thinking, consideration, contemplation, study, deliberation, pondering, meditation, musing, rumination, cogitation, brooding, agnonizing:

This is a fairly accurate definition of our mood this week, with plenty of time for reflection we also spent a fair bit of time “brooding” and “agonizing” for one reason or another. The girls have enjoyed reminiscing and we spent part of our trip actually reading our blogs out loud and got such a giggle out of Leigh’s “jokes”.....

We can’t avoid going home and yet we don’t feel “finished”.....in saying that though, I have really noticed how mature the girls have become all of a sudden and know they are desperate for all things “home”.....it’s been really important for Leigh and I not to get down in the dumps and returning!

We have purposefully backed away from “doing stuff” this week and tried to make it more like a holiday - this isn’t my final blog! One more to come 😜


Goodbye Mannum! Unable to secure any accommodation in Mildura, we settled on the Robinvale Riverside Caravan Park and booked in for three nights - we need to wind down and certainly don’t want to arrive home looking shattered, so a bit of breathing space is in order! I envisaged (before we left) that I would have hours and hours over the five months with my feet up, sitting in my deck chair, lapping up vitamin d and reading a captivating book. Do you know how many times I have actually done it? 3 times. Yes that’s right. 3. Why you ask??? Literally there is no time!!! This has been an adventure - not a holiday....life goes on - there is still meals to prepare, washing to do, homework to oversee. Basically, responsibilities don’t stop on a trip like this with kids! 😂 anyway I digress. Robinvale is beautiful and quiet and was perfect for what we needed! Piece of advice - definitely book a riverside site if you can!

Moama | New South Wales
An uneventful and yet scenic drive from Robinvale to Moama landed us at Merool on the Murray for our last two nights, the weather was awesome and we got to catch up with some of Leigh’s family who train horses.....so Maggie and Leigh got their horse fix and Liv and I had some special time together - perfect! We love Echuca and spend a reasonable amount of time there so didn’t opt for anything touristy....a ride on a paddle steamer though is a must for anyone in the area! Also the kids love the Clydesdale rides - guaranteed smiles!

On our last day we caught up with the Benda family, Leigh and Rich have worked together for years and as they have been following our blog we certainly had lots to catch up on! Thanks guys, you were a bandaid we needed badly on that last day and we loved seeing you all ❤️

Mount Clear | Ballarat | Victoria
We are actually feeling okay.....I mean, we are not clicking our heels together with joy but we’ve allowed time this week to let this final day sink in - it’s time to go home so with military efficiency we packed up the van and turned the Kookaburra for home.

It amazing how much a town can change in 5 months, there are new builds and tear downs happening everywhere! Thanks to an awesome Housesitter we find our house not only standing but sparkling clean and beautifully taken care of.....however it appears we have been living in a castle and just didn’t know it! There is so much space....I can feel it around me and it’s weird. 

Liv went to put all her clothes away and came back slightly pale and announced how privileged she felt. She couldn’t have said it better although I was also feeling pretty overwhelmed by how much “stuff” we have.

Why??? It’s ridiculous and not necessary - talk about a wake up call! We are not hoarders by any stretch (my OCD would never allow for that hah hah) but if we have learnt anything in this trip it’s that we can live happily with a lot less.

So on that note I’ll leave this blog, we are still settling in but I have one more blog - more of an overview than anything and as soon as I can write it without getting emotional and teary I will!



Best part:   Coming home.  But part of me feels really sad that it won't just be the four of us anymore....I wonder if my friends will be excited or whether I will fit back in.

Worst Part: The nervous butterflies....what if everything has changed?

🐴 Maggie

Best Part: Coming home to see Maxxie! And Mannum - I love the ferry into the town and the museum :) 

Worst part: Robinvale - I didn't like it and it was boring.  Plus I am ready to go home now. 


Best part:  Easy.  Mannum.

Worst part: Easy. Coming home.

🌺 Rana

Best part: Heroes don’t always wear capes. It took 25,000 and all I had to do was save a baby Joey to become one to my children. We drove past a sad scene when a female kangaroo had been hit and killed by a vehicle and it’s joey had survived and was standing next to it.....was awful!! Maggie wanted to take it home, Liv wanted to take it home - Leigh muttered under his breath “it’s not coming in the car and that’s final”. So I rang a wildlife rescue organisation and they enthusiastically said they could come and sort it out and save the joey. 
Instant hero. 😂 No cape required.

Worst part:   Looking at my “to do” list for when we get home and wondering how to avoid it! Can't we just turn around?


📝  If you want serious “Hero” cred with your kids, just rescue a bloody kangaroo!


Normality. Reality.

The last road travelled for Round The Kookaburra 2017

The serene Robinvale......nothing like watching the Grand Final with a view like this!

Sooo sad the trip is nearly over! 

But sooo happy to be going home too!

Girls were fascinated by the houseboats and want to do that as a family holiday next - mmmm I’m not sure I can live in a small vehicle with you guys anytime soon 😂

Merool on the Murray - fabulous caravan park and their replica historical town is actually cabins you can hire - brilliant!

Maggie got her animal fix at Aunty Joan and Uncle Norm’s farm - thank Joanne and kids - so much fun!

And for the very last time, with a smile from ear to ear, Leigh faced his very last dump point.....victory!!

We departed from Ballarat 5 months ago with a car selfie so it was only right to end on one too .....Leigh still hasn’t got the hang of the timer and Liv still pulling stupid faces so this is the best I could do 😂

Ohhhh no - shite is getting real! A Ballarat sign!!!

Ohhh Max I have missed you - the things we have seen! The things we have done! ❤️


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