Week Two | Friends in High Places
Week Two
Friends in High Places
More to the point where haven't we been? It's been a big week and we've pushed the girls travel boundaries which they handled surprisingly well...still we won't repeat it ANYTIME soon........
Tilba Valley Winery
$20 per vehicle - you get a $20 voucher to spend on wine - yup you heard me!
Batemans Bay
Bungendore Showground
$20pn, power and water - fabulous! And only 30 min from Canberra
Canberra - Alivio Tourist Park, okay for what we needed.....
Crookwell - stayed with friends on their beautiful property, was such an enjoyable night and the shower was incredibly good - it's the small things these days!
This is the bit where I would normally regale you of some fascinating piece of information about a town we have visited - this week we just have information overload!! I'm just going to say YES to Canberra.....it's educational and lots of fun for everyone π
Best part: Canberra - Spending time at Australian War Memorial - we saw lots of people that were upset, some that had served and others that were sad about what had happened to people they know. I learnt heaps!
Questacon was great too....
Worst part: Cockington Green was a bit weird? There were cute replica cottages and then I saw a Minion and a stegosaurus in an English village.....π³
π΄ Maggie
Best part: Staying at the Bungendore Showground and making new friends with Lucy the Labrador!
Worst part: Batemans Bay Big 4 - worst jumping pillow ever (#firstworldproblems@8 years old.....clearly π
Best part: Definitely the Australian War Memorial - so much to see and information to digest - took a day and a half - will definitely go back......oh and just for future reference I have a new self appointed nickname "the Caravan whisperer" .....
Hang on!! I have two best parts!! Finding half a carton of beer clearly forgotten in a hidden spot (after a function) whilst on a leisurely afternoon stroll (can't say where but I did shareπ)
Worst part: Cockington Green, Canberra - price was $70 per family....understand the work that has gone into the place but pricing.....ridiculous !!
πΊ Rana
Best part: I have two best parts!!!The Australian War Memorial, Canberra - I am never failed to be moved by the sacrifices made by those who bravely fought in these hideous wars.....I have 5 in my family alone.....very emotional!!
Also a highlight was meeting another family out on the road - kids were pretty pumped to have someone else to play/chat with......god damn it (no offence Leigh!) but so was I π #bigfamilylittleincome
Worst part: Probably feeling a bit disjointed this week - we been constantly on the move (it feels!) and bloody hell its been cold!!! Nothing a wee bit of vitamin d won't fix hah hah
π When it comes to free camping to go with our gut instincts - we bypassed Braidwood and Warri Creek Reserve for a few dodgy reasons and ended up in Bungendore for three nights......brilliant and learnt so much! Oh okay and the scones with jam and cream delivered on arrival certainly helped lol
π Do your research on entry prices to activities! We missed out on the Dinosaur Museum in Canberra because we blew our daily budget on Cockington Green!
Dad "you may call me .....the caravan whisperer, and also....the Parking whisperer"
Olivia "I'll tell you what your NOT Dad, .....the fishing whisperer"
Crickets.....and tumbleweeds........and silence. π
Kiama followed by Lane Cove, North Ryde.
We are going to catch the train into Sydney and introduce girls to Harbour Bridge and Opera House.....watch this space!
Fancy finding a teeny tiny piece of New Zealand at Cockington Green! Treaty House, Waitangi!!!
Autumn wonder at Australian War Memorial
Australian War Memorial - Vietnam War re enactment.....spooky and frightening with the background audio.....
Girls loved this and actually requested a photo....surprisingly rare for two girls who spend an inordinate amount of time looking in the mirror!
Tilba Valley Winery - spectacular and a clever piece of marketing by owner - after a calf burning walk up the mountain to pay for our digs, the offer of a wine tasting could not be turned down......the thought of walking back up that hill not enticing so we left with 4 bottles π
Said wine and cheese platter.....
I have no words - it was very very good....
Australian War Memorial - Day One
Took this one for Dad! I remember these keepsakes from when I was a kid!!
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