Week 13 | Coral Coast Cavorting
SNAPSHOT We have loved every second of this epic adventure of ours, the good the bad and the ugly. We have had our eyes wide open and experienced so much.....our relationships with each other are stronger (but not without occasional fault) however our next mini goal of Perth has appeared on the horizon at the most opportune time - my sister is my best friend, and the distance between Ballarat and Perth is so tough - we miss out on seeing each other and our girls growing up so the thought of time with her, my ever patient BIL and their spunky girls had me fairly excited but aside from that, the sudden turn to colder weather strained relationships within the confines of the car and caravan - nothing life threatening but I counted to ten A LOT, there was bickering and snappy comebacks, probably pre-teen eye rolling from the back (actually there was - I can see her in the mirror)......all in all we just needed a small break so HEELLOOO Perth - hope you realize what you are in for Low...